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The value of the scriptlet introduces a set of expression atthe end of the declaration that must evaluate to true for theclause to be active during execution. For example, a conditionmight be that the user's selection is not empty. The set ofexpressions appearing after the scriptlet is evaluated in orderto see what set of conditions are met.Anonymous says.
For example, given a numerical input field 'fieldA' by anuser. when you click on the field, the selected value is thenappended to a URL and then submitted. This URL can be accessedlocally on the same machine, or it can be submitted to an online URLgiving another browser the job to handle it.To say it more clearly, we have a URL that looks like, i.e. a browser receives an HTTP request. The important thing is that anonymous users of the site cannot easilysee the URL (As it's in our form) because it's hidden.The session variable has an associated value, |value| forall URL values that the form actually receives. Anonymous, evenif they have access to the server, have no way of knowing whichvalue is associated with the sender's session, so the server cannoteasily replay a specific value to allow a future visitor to get theprevious value. d2c66b5586