Asura Tale Of The Vanquished Ebook
Asura Tale Of The Vanquished Ebook ->>>
The story of the Ravanayana had never been told. Asura is the epic tale of the vanquished Asura people, a story that has been cherished by the oppressed outcastes of India for 3000 years. Until now, no Asura has dared to tell the tale. But perhaps the time has come for the dead and the defeated to speak.
\"For thousands of years, I have been vilified and my death is celebrated year after year in every corner of India. Why Was it because I challenged the Gods for the sake of my daughter Was it because I freed a race from the yoke of caste-based Deva rule You have heard the victor's tale, the Ramayana. Now hear the Ravanayana, for I am Ravana, the Asura, and my story is the tale of the vanquished.\" 153554b96e