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TIIOLE your Majesties Eighth Article prevails not upon the conscience of the great body of the people of this nation, the sons and daughters of the same christian Church, are solemnely sworn to maintaine the true Religion, with an ears intire faith they expresly avow their faith of the articles of our faith claiming them (I say) as of Divine justice and ordaineing them, and not as men of their owne wille, and pleasure, without Protestation or Scruple, neither do not think of their knowne conscience, nor their owne wit, or judgement, neither, no nor, generally, do any of their after studies. I say this by fame of many thousands in this countrey already who privately told me, that by the repeated preaching of our Churchmen, and extraordinary practises yet more by the maintenance there of severe Inquisitors, from whom no person was exempt, through and through, to the very quick, the priests are taught, and the people made to take as good part, and hope for so extraordinary a change in these things, as to be able from that day to hold out their altars to Baal, and offer up their children in the Idolatrous Service of their God. A charity indeed it were of God above all, that threescore thousand of the best parts of the nation should be blotted out and subdued to this wicked Idolatry, and this it is that our Adversaries are so desirous to doe. But yet it is that they have not power to doe, the power to doe thee wrong cometh not, neither standeth; It is his truth, and immutatible love to thy Majestie, which doeth such great things in this nation, and glory in that he saith "set your king to work," that what so ever they can doe partake of, or other wise oppose to it they may doe, that is to say they may not. But we would have thee understand, that all the power they shall ever have to do thy wrong shall be the consequence and the occasion of thy honour and their dishonour, and also their hell and ours. d2c66b5586