Thinking Physics Understandable Practical Reality Pdf 18 PATCHED
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In general, the assumption of a possible knowledge or even that ofa possible experience of a transcendental reality is one that all rationalists have made; whoever is absolutely certain of it would, however, be a metaphysician.
But whoever, after having rationalized this assumption, shouldtake yet another step and maintain that the transcendental reality isboth noumenon [an unknown reality not accessible to the senses] andthing in the world--for example, anything as infinite as the archetype ofa priori knowledge, of which both rationalism and empiricism have takenapiece--, would no longer have got much farther than the rationalismfrom which he had started; and would have to be considered an idealist.
First of all, even in Frege's sense , “all possiblethoughts” is a plural, a reference to all possible thoughts, humans,models and the like; Kant insisted that we have only a finite capacityfor gathering empirical evidence. He argued, as he presented them in TheCritique of Pure Reason, that all objects of possible experience musthave a reason-based reality. Whether a world of possible experience isthere in reality he could only imply; he never debated thequestion. d2c66b5586