Mark Broadie Every Shot Counts Pdf 31
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Dear James, Thanks for the kind words! I likely your list and would modify slightly: 1. Reducing double awful shots; 2. Reducing awful shots; 3. Improve green reading and short putting (e.g., 3-10 feet). Under identifying strengths and weaknesses, I prefer to sue strokes gained, but simpler than that is: comparing double-awful and awful shots to the benchmark, using median error to measure approach shot accuracy (and compare to the benchmarks), and putting games to measure short putting skill off the course (or tracking your strokes gained putting for on-course shots).
The Golf Drills Practice Planner was created for nerdy, OCD amateur golfers who hate losing, and instinctively know that every practice shot counts. Create practice plans quickly and easily, and choose from 500+ practice drills.
You fill out every shot with the yardage to the pin with a code after it (t- tee, f- fairway, r-rough, p- penalty, x- recovery shot, s- sand, g- green). Apps like Game Golf will be able to get this from GPS. You also need to enter the par for each hole. But that's it.
Since we are tracking ranges of every shot, you can do some fancy things like calculate how well you score from each range, what your proximity to the pin is from various ranges, etc. Here's Phil yesterday:
It is difficult to record shot by shot info for an entire round. I could only do that when it was just my wife and I playing. When playing four-some on weekends, it proved too much to record all data. Some holes, I forgot b/c of everything that was going on. But Randy may have some idea on what to do with skipped holes. He and I discussed it when he worked on my data.
One thing I learned more about by using Randy's tool is my putting game. By recording exact distance from hole, I've learned most of my 1st putts end within a foot from hole, many just a few inches from it. I.e, I don't need to practice lag putts so much. I also missed my share of short putts which I am now focusing more of. It is difficult to record shot by shot info for an entire round. I could only do that when it was just my wife and I playing. When playing four-some on weekends, it proved too much to record all data. Some holes, I forgot b/c of everything that was going on. But Randy may have some idea on what to do with skipped holes. He and I discussed it when he worked on my data. I hope to use Randy's tool periodically.
I think that the way you might use it is likely the most effective. A spot check from time to time. Do a few rounds that you feel are somewhat representative of how you're playing (I'd not want to analyze or skew that analysis with an outlier round). Just get an overall feel of a snapshot of where various aspects of your game stand. No need for tracking every shot, round after round after round.
You also gave me a GREAT idea to improve the driving stats, and I'll try to implement that. The hardest part is looking back to see how I coded everything! I can remember shots somewhat after a day or so, but I can't remember spreadsheet code after several months!
For everyone's info, the tool gives a very general idea of your drive length (subtracting distances left to hole), but there may be better ways to distinguish which drives to count from the ones that shouldn't. I've seen many in Game Golf get frustrated with this same concept too. I've only provided a small snapshot of the reports the tool generates- perhaps soon I'll post all of the output.
For example, once a round is entered, I simply turn that round into metadata, and you can't enter that round data anymore. Theirs is one long list of every single shot, so you can edit every shot you've ever taken. Theirs is much easier, as a consequence, but it recalculates a bit more slowly since it must refresh the entire list of shots. Mine is kind of kludgy to enter a round into your list of rounds to do summary calculations, because I couldn't figure out a graceful way to do that. But since it was mainly for my own consumption, no big deal. 153554b96e