How the war affected the earnings of freelancers Since the beginning of the war, the income level of . of freelancers has decreased. This is a normal practice, as in general many businesses have temporarily or permanently ceased operations. Designers, copywriters and programmers often talk about a decrease in earnings. In of performers, the income remained the same, and in it even increased. It was mostly programmers and designers who managed to improve their financial situation in such a difficult time. For of respondents, remote work became the only source of income ,have other opportunities for earning. The majority of freelancersearn up to per month and onlymanage to earn from . The latter are mainly programmers, designers and marketers.
Of performers have an average income of up to of freelancers earn, and . of specialists earn claim that they are dissatisfied with the current level of income. of freelancers do not complain about their income. How the war affected the work of freelancers and life in general Since the Switzerland WhatsApp Number List beginning of the war, the workload of . of freelancers has changed projects have decreased. This dynamic is observed mostly by of designers of copywriters, and of programmers. The number of projects by . of executors did not change and, on the contrary, increased by of freelancers continue to work in their specialty.
Of performers had to change it due to a drop in demand for services, and another . due to insufficient number of projects in their categories. did not change the price of their services, while in the cost of services became lower, and in higher. Specialists of various categoriesobserve an increase in the level of competition, but believe that it has remained unchanged, and have even noticed its decrease. If we talk about new skills, here specialists note that the following soft skills have become popular: the ability to experiment and try new things, sell yourself communication skills leadership competencies.