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2006-09-21 ICPSR data undergo a confidentiality review and are altered when necessary to limit the risk of disclosure. ICPSR also routinely creates ready-to-go data files along with setups in the major statistical software formats as well as standard codebooks to accompany the data. In addition to these procedures, ICPSR performed the following processing steps for this data collection:Standardized missing values.Checked for undocumented or out-of-range codes.\"],\"variableDescription\":\"These data contain demographic variables on the\\n respondent including age, gender, race, where they live (in a house,\\n apartment, shelter, etc.), with whom they live, and the primary source\\n of their caregiver's income. Further information on the respondent\\n includes JBTC program assignment, substance abuse risk score, total\\n risk score, and DYS risk assessment status. Respondents were asked\\n about their history of alcohol and/or other drug use including\\n lifetime use, age at first use, frequency of use in the past 6\\n months, and frequency of use in the past 30 days of the following:\\n tobacco products, alcohol, marijuana, crack cocaine, powder cocaine,\\n amphetamines, inhalants, hallucinogens, heroin,\\n barbiturates/tranquilizers, and designer drugs (ecstasy, etc.), and if\\n they had ever received any alcohol and/or drug treatment or education.\\n Respondents were also asked if they had ever been diagnosed with\\n attention deficit disorder/attention deficit hyperactivity disorder\\n (ADD/ADHD), bi-polar disorder, anger management issues, post traumatic\\n stress disorder or obsessive-compulsive disorder, and if they had ever\\n received any in-patient or out-patient mental health treatment. To\\n assess their prior contact with the juvenile justice system,\\n respondents were asked about their prior arrests, age at first arrest,\\n and prior time on probation, in detention, on parole, or in a\\n diversion program. Respondents were asked about family history of\\n severe drug or alcohol problems, criminal background, contact with\\n family members, and relationship with family members. Respondents were\\n also asked about their school status (enrollment, grades, days missed,\\n etc.), involvement in gang activity, involvement in sexual activity,\\n whether they carried a weapon (gun, knife, stick, etc.), and whether\\n they had ever been threatened with or threatened someone with a\\n weapon. Data collected from DYS include the number of drug tests the\\n respondent had taken between the baseline interview and 6-month\\n follow-up interview and between the 6-month follow-up interview and\\n the 12-month follow up interview, as well as the number of positive\\ndrug tests and the drugs that the respondent tested positive for.\",\"geogUnit\":\"none\",\"collectionDates\":[\"2000-04-15 -- 2002-11-15\"],\"universe\":\"All juvenile offenders in Lane County, Oregon from April\\n15, 2000 to November 15, 2001\",\"respRate\":\"Baseline interviews were completed by 306 of 925\\n study-eligible juveniles for a response rate of 33 percent. A total of\\n 208 6-month follow-up interviews and 183 12-month follow-up interviews\\n were completed for subject retention rates of 68 percent and 60\\npercent, respectively.\",\"location\":[\"Oregon\",\"United States\"],\"fundingSources\":[{\"funderName\":\"United States Department of Justice. Office of Justice Programs. National Institute of Justice\",\"fundingSourceId\":\"DXQvf\",\"display\":\"United States Department of Justice. Office of Justice Programs. National Institute of Justice (99-IJ-CX-0032)\",\"grantNo\":\"99-IJ-CX-0032\"}],\"accessRights\":\"Access to these data is restricted. Users interested in obtaining these data must complete a Restricted Data Use Agreement, specify the reasons for the request, and obtain IRB approval or notice of exemption for their research.\",\"timePeriods\":[\"2000-04 -- 2002-11\"]};variables.path = \"/pcms/studies/0/0/4/3/04339/V1\";variables.userEmail = \"\";onLoad(variables);});$(document).ready(function(){ $('.myDataLogInBox').hide(); $('.showMyDataLogIn').on('click', function(e){e.preventDefault();if($('.myDataLogInBox').hasClass('down')) {$('.myDataLogInBox').slideUp();$('.myDataLogInBox').removeClass('down');}else {$('.myDataLogInBox').slideDown();$('.myDataLogInBox').addClass('down');}});}); // adding this script so that on large screens photos and bios are in their own columns and mobile they float $(document).ready(windowSize); $(window).resize(windowSize); function windowSize(){ if($(window).width() >= 991) { $('.myDataLogInBox').removeClass('down'); $('.myDataLogInBox').css('display', 'none');} } $(document).ready(function(){if($('section .container').length>0){}else{$('#mainContent').addClass('container');}});$(document).ready(function(){var url = ' -alertssite=nacjd';var message = '';$.getJSON(url).done(function(data) {if(data.length>0){data = data.slice(0, 1);$.each( data, function( i, item ) {message += '';message += '' + item.Message + '';message += ''; }); $('.archonnex-alert-message-wrapper').prepend(message); var height = $('.archonnex-alert-message-wrapper').height(); console.log(height); if(height>0){ $('.video-overlay').css('top',height); $('.fixed').css('top',height); } }}).fail(function() { console.log( \"No response from cms.\" );});});$(window).on('load', function () {if(document.body.contains(document.getElementById('archonnex-alert-message'))){$('.archonnex-alert-message-wrapper').addClass('addABorder'); }});Please enable JavaScript in your browser. JavasScript is required to use the core functionality of this site including searching, downloading data, and depositing data.Skip to Main Content Log In/Create AccountLog In/Create AccountDiscover Data Discover Data Discover DataNIJ DataDepositsOJJDPData DepositsBJS DataDepositsOtherData Deposits Share DataShare DataShare DataNIJ Data DepositsOJJDP Data DepositsBJS Data DepositsOther Data DepositsAbout About About NACJDOur TeamAnnouncementsSponsorsContact Resources Resources ResourcesLearning andData GuidesRestricted DataResourcesRestricted Data at NACJDRestricted Data AccessApplication RequirementsSample FormsAnalyze Data Online HelpEvaluation of the Juvenile Breaking the Cycle Program in Lane County, Oregon, 2000-2002 (ICPSR 4339)Version Date: Sep 21, 2006 View help for published
These data contain demographic variables on the respondent including age, gender, race, where they live (in a house, apartment, shelter, etc.), with whom they live, and the primary source of their caregiver's income. Further information on the respondent includes JBTC program assignment, substance abuse risk score, total risk score, and DYS risk assessment status. Respondents were asked about their history of alcohol and/or other drug use including lifetime use, age at first use, frequency of use in the past 6 months, and frequency of use in the past 30 days of the following: tobacco products, alcohol, marijuana, crack cocaine, powder cocaine, amphetamines, inhalants, hallucinogens, heroin, barbiturates/tranquilizers, and designer drugs (ecstasy, etc.), and if they had ever received any alcohol and/or drug treatment or education. Respondents were also asked if they had ever been diagnosed with attention deficit disorder/attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADD/ADHD), bi-polar disorder, anger management issues, post traumatic stress disorder or obsessive-compulsive disorder, and if they had ever received any in-patient or out-patient mental health treatment. To assess their prior contact with the juvenile justice system, respondents were asked about their prior arrests, age at first arrest, and prior time on probation, in detention, on parole, or in a diversion program. Respondents were asked about family history of severe drug or alcohol problems, criminal background, contact with family members, and relationship with family members. Respondents were also asked about their school status (enrollment, grades, days missed, etc.), involvement in gang activity, involvement in sexual activity, whether they carried a weapon (gun, knife, stick, etc.), and whether they had ever been threatened with or threatened someone with a weapon. Data collected from DYS include the number of drug tests the respondent had taken between the baseline interview and 6-month follow-up interview and between the 6-month follow-up interview and the 12-month follow up interview, as well as the number of positivedrug tests and the drugs that the respondent tested positive for. 153554b96e
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