Windows Loader V2 1 5 By Daz 12
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Yes, I will patch my game once my auto-update feature is in place and no patches are needed. If I wanted to auto-update whenever a patch is released I would just go and get it every time. If you haven't got an internet connection on your patch yet I can give you a patch cd to get the update. I'll send you a mail before I do my next update.
Bad idea. When FM starts up it checks a directory each time. Next time you check it a patch will be applied, even if the patch doesn't exist there. However, it can be ignored by unchecking the box next to "Auto download updates" and checking the box next to "Always disconnect from network when checking for updates".
That is the anticheat you expected right? ;-) No. FM is auto-updating its data-files once it sees all your mods loaded. You're data-files are actually download-protected. I guess you had to copy them from the auto-update cd or something? Next time FM is started (and you want to start playing), you'll be prompted for a location to update. Perhaps that your data-file directory is none-existent, but that is non-critical. Everything else is.
First of all, they *do* exist! Your "Scene" folder is hidden (you can toggle it on in the windows options). You then change the folder name to "Empire-" + faction. For example, the default folder for the English guild is "faction-" (for all your namespaces).
I got Oscam and CCcam already installed, configurated and both working fine. however im planning to test Mgcamd in other box i have. I need to convert c-line or oscam reader to Mgcamd format( CWS). i already got mgcamd softcam and Mgcamd configs for enigma 2, but now i need to convert either c-line or oscam reader into mgcamd format to put on the file newcamd.list.
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